People were speechless when they saw what emerged from the sea

A profound sense of astonishment gripped onlookers as an extraordinary sight emerged from the depths of the sea along the Romanian coast. The tranquil waters revealed a wounded dolphin, its plight capturing the attention of unsuspecting tourists.

Efforts were made to rescue the distressed marine mammal, but regrettably, its fate was sealed. Experts identified the creature as a member of the Delphinus Delphis species, a species known to inhabit the Black Sea.

Upon closer examination, the dolphin displayed multiple wounds on its body, likely inflicted by the ensnaring nets of fishermen. The Black Sea is home to three distinct species of marine mammals: the Common dolphin (Delphinus delphis ponticus), the Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus ponticus), and the Harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena relicta).

Diverging in morpho-anatomical features and primary food sources, these species exhibit unique characteristics. The Bottlenose dolphin and Harbor porpoise primarily feed on fish and benthic organisms, while the Common dolphin’s diet encompasses fish and other organisms found within the water column.

Each species displays a preference for specific habitats, with the first two favoring coastal areas and the Common dolphin being commonly encountered in offshore zones. The Common dolphin is characterized by a bluish-gray to brown color on its dorsal side, featuring a distinct V-shaped lateral boundary that is remarkably light. A pigmented band, varying in darkness, connects the lower jaw to the insertion of the pectoral fins. The dorsal, pectoral, and caudal fins range from black to gray-brown.

Newborns measure around 0.80-0.95 m, with adults in the Black Sea not exceeding 2 m (males – 177 cm, females – 159 cm). Highly sensitive to chemical and acoustic pollution, they exhibit social behaviors, forming groups of 10-15 individuals, as well as pairs or isolated individuals. With rapid swimming capabilities, reaching speeds of approximately 50 km/h, they engage in short-duration dives and frequent surface breathing at intervals of 1/3 seconds. Their habitat extends to depths of up to 70 meters.

Sexual maturity is reached at the age of 2 years, and the gestation period is 10 months, with weaning occurring at 4 months. Displaying highly developed maternal instincts, their lifespan is estimated to be 25-30 years. Their primary diet comprises small pelagic fish such as sprat, anchovy, and gobies, along with crustaceans.

Additionally, their stomachs often contain other species like horse mackerel, cod, bluefish, red mullet, sea bass, shrimp, and mollusks. The daily food intake for these remarkable creatures is approximately 10 kg.

Some of us still remember when “typing classes” had to be taken on actual typewriters

A few of us can still recall the days when “typing classes” required using real typewriters.

It is almost impossible to imagine that there was a period when typing had a tactile, almost rhythmic quality in an era when computerized screens rule our communication.

Our fingers danced across keys in a complete ten-finger ballet, not the constrained choreography meant for smartphones.

The medium for this dance was the typewriter, the mysterious device that ran on paper and ambition and required no electricity at all.

The late 1800s saw a great deal of advancement in communication technology, which is when the typewriter first came into being. Relics from this era are housed at the Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation, where curator Kristen Gallerneaux shows that the typewriter was not an immediate hit.

Its origins were largely due to Milwaukee printer Christopher Sholes and Carlos Glidden, who were inspired by a magazine article to design what would eventually become the first typewriter to be commercially successful.

The invention of Sholes and Glidden, who called it after themselves, was a technical miracle. It struck a compromise between the precision necessary for legible typing and the need for durability to withstand users’ need to “bang away on the keys.”

The typewriter took a while to become well-known despite its inventiveness; it didn’t take off until 1874.

The typewriter was a marvel of design as much as a technological achievement. The QWERTY keyboard layout, which was popularized by the Sholes and Glidden typewriter and is still in use today due to its efficiency in minimizing letter jamming by separating frequently used pairings, was introduced.

Centuries later, this keyboard layout’s answer to a mechanical issue unintentionally influenced how we use them.

The typewriter started to change the American workplace by the late 1880s. A notable change was brought about by the invention of the typewriter, which at first was used mostly by men.

By 1910, women accounted for nearly 80% of professional typists, a significant shift in the office setting.

This change was a social revolution that redefined gender roles in the workplace, not merely a technological one.

Innovations like the Nodin typewriter were the result of the search for a quieter typing experience. Its moniker, a witty reference to its silent functioning, perfectly captured the way typewriter design has continued to advance.

Even though the Nodin is a unique find, its presence demonstrates the inventive lengths inventors were willing to go to in order to enhance typing.

We haven’t even discussed electric typewriters in our history, which added a new level of convenience and noise to the typing experience. Nonetheless, early typewriters’ tactile feedback and straightforward mechanics have left a lasting impression on those who have used them.

Many individuals still enjoy listening to the old-fashioned clickity-clack sound of the keys.

The story takes a pleasant detour and returns to the act of typing. One of these old machines is available for you to type on, thanks to the curator at the Henry Ford Museum. The sensation serves as a sharp reminder of how physically demanding typing on a typewriter is, in sharp contrast to how natural typing on a modern keyboard is.

It’s a nostalgic moment that serves as a reminder of the development of writing technology and the timeless allure of typing.

The typewriter is a link to a lost era of communication because of its intricate mechanical design and lengthy history. It is a sentimental stroll down memory lane for those who recall. It’s an invitation to those who are unfamiliar with typing to discover the tactile delights of a world where words were created physically and each letter carried weight.

The typewriter is a monument to the human need for connection, communication, and creation even as we enter the digital age.

Watch the video below to find out more about the complex and fascinating history of the common typewriter! Kindly DISPLAY this to your loved ones.

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