Today’s youth would be completely ignorant of the meaning of a walkman, landline phone, or VHS cassette. Growing up in the era of rapid technological advancement, it has been amazing to witness how everyday household items that have been in use for years can suddenly become outdated.

I’ll admit that I had no idea what the object below was until I saw a photo of it. Beyond that, I had no idea what kind of metal tool it was. Can you identify and recollect this object?

See anything familiar? It’s a vintage oil can opener nozzle! This object appears archaic, yet it is actually rather modern, having been created in the 1980s. The spout portion of the can was used to pour oil back then, and people would use the tool to punch a hole in the top of the can. Despite having a really straightforward design, this thing is quite brilliant.

The 1980s seem like they were only yesterday to me. The 1980s seem like a lifetime ago—more than 40 years ago! Even though these openers aren’t used very often these days, I’ll wager that a lot of folks still keep one hidden in their garage among the equipment. Of course, many collect them, mechanics in particular! Therefore, it might not be a bad idea to pick up one of these cool little devices if you ever find one at an antique store or yard sale.
In 1983, a 16-pound baby caught everyone’s attention: You won’t believe what he looks like now!

In 1983, Patricia Clarke, then 24, had a strong feeling that her baby was about to get bigger. There were many big babies in her family, but the size of her newborn still surprised her.
Patricia gave birth to Kevin Robert Clark, who weighed an astonishing 16 pounds, making him possibly the largest baby born at Community Memorial Hospital and possibly in New Jersey at the time. Despite his size, Kevin was perfectly healthy, although he did not fit into a standard crib and his baby clothes were too small.
Kevin’s extraordinary height quickly made him famous, with appearances on popular shows such as Saturday Night Live and Good Morning America. As he grew up, his height continued to make headlines. By age 12, he was already 5’7″ and continued to grow. By the time he reached middle school, he was 6’5″ and he didn’t stop there.

Kevin humorously tells the New York Post: “Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t ask me how tall I am. I like to joke that I’m 5’9″. When people ask if I play basketball, I ask them if they play mini golf.”
Now 40, Kevin is a former soldier who lives with his 6’1″ wife and their Great Dane. He has grown to an impressive height of 6’9″, which he easily manages.
Check out the video below to learn more about Kevin’s incredible journey. Despite the challenges of growing up in the spotlight, it seems that Kevin has adapted well. We wish him all the best as he continues his journey! Please SHARE this amazing story with your family and friends!
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