Florida mom gives birth to rare set of identical twins with Down syndrome

Identical twins are a miracle all by themselves. Births like this happen three or four times in 1000.

Savannah Combs, a first time mother, learned she was carrying twins. She and her husband were overjoyed by the thought of welcoming two babies.

Everything went well with the pregnancy and the couple learned they were expecting girls. However, they also learned that their identical twins both had Down Syndrome. The news came as a shock at first, but Savannah, 23, soon realized that the condition only meant that her girls would be super special. She didn’t mind they would be born with the syndrome. Of course, she was aware that there would be people who wouldn’t accept her bundles of joy, but that didn’t concern her a great deal.

“It’s very rare what they have, but they’ve been my little gems,” the proud mother told News4JAX.

Once the girls were born, Savannah and her husband Justin decided to share their journey on TikTok. The two tiny beauties, Kennadi Rue and Mckenli gained a number of followers on the social media where Savannah posted about each of the milestones they reached.

In one of the videos she shared on TikTok, Savannah revealed how doctors advised her to terminate her pregnancy because the chances of her girls to survive were slim, but she decided to give them a fighting chance. As it turned out, she did the right thing. ”Every [prenatal] appointment they were alive was a blessing to me,” Savannah explained.

They were born five weeks prematurely and had to spend some time at the NICU. Today, they are nine months old and thriving. In fact, they are just like any other baby out there.

“They’re called mono di twins, meaning that they had their own sacs, but they shared the same placenta, meaning that they were going to be identical,” Savannah explained.

“Mo di twins as it is, it’s like very rare. And then you throw Down syndrome on top of it, it’s like one in 2 million.”

“They have feelings. They have a beating heart. They know how to talk. They know how to do things you do. They will get there,” she added. “Like I said, it may be a step behind but they’re going to do it. I’ve learned these kids are feisty little things and happy little things.”

She loves showing the world that having Down Syndrome doesn’t necessarily mean the life of those people is in any way affected negatively.

“I’m going to let them know that they’re just like us and they’re going to get there as long as they put their minds to it.”

Of course, there are always those who post negative comments and judge Savannah for keeping her babies.

”I wouldn’t want those babies; if mine came out like that, they would be straight up for adoption,” one person wrote under one of the videos. However, this mother had just the right answer for the mean person. “I said, good thing they weren’t born to you and were born to me. God knew what he was doing by giving these babies to the right parents who would love them regardless,” Savannah replied.

These girls are truly happy for having a mom like Savannah who wants to raise awareness about Down Syndrome and teach the world that those who have it can lead a happy and fulfilling lives, just like her two beautiful angels.

For more on this family’s beautiful life story go to the video below.

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What this old man observed on the pavement shocked him.

Pedro Bras shared the firefighters’ photo from Pedróg Grande, Portugal, on Facebook so that others might see it.

Everyone agrees that working as a fireman is a serious and important profession. The photo posted by fireman Pedro Bras made it very clear how seriously the firemen take their duties.

There is a tremendous need for firefighters in the region of Portugal that is battling a forest fire. 1,150 firemen are presently working around the clock to put out the fire and prevent it from spreading.

25 people have been hurt this year as a result of the fire, along with the damage of many regions. Two disastrous fires that struck Portugal in June and October of the previous year resulted in a total of 114 fatalities. This image depicted firemen who, although being worn out from their valiant efforts, continued to work in dangerous conditions. Pedro sent a photo of some of the firemen wanting to take a break and relax after spending many hours putting out a large fire in Pedróg Grande. “After working hard all day and all night, we decided to take a break and relax by the river for a quarter of an hour; at that time, we noticed that the air was thick with smoke.” According to Pedro, the firemen took a short break of 25 minutes to unwind by a river after working nonstop for 24 hours. He said that the firefighters had taken a break at this point. The shot vividly showed the smoke-filled environment. The temperature rose to an all-time high of around 116 degrees Fahrenheit on August 5. In addition to the 13 planes that dropped water on the fire, a number of additional firemen also consented to help fight the wildfire. AWM claims that 160 soldiers were called into action in order to help with the evacuation efforts.

The photograph gained over 9,000 user responses, 1,300 comments, and more than 5,900 shares before rapidly going viral. A large number of people voiced their surprise at the firemen’ efforts. Manja Knofel claimed that each and every fireman in the world is a hero in their own way. Another user from Paris named Sweetie Racch said they deserved “rest and praise” for the outstanding work they had completed. The firemen have done everything they can, according to Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa. A number of them have had fatal injuries. The police had been hoping that the event from the previous year wouldn’t happen again this year. Share this to your friends that FIREFIGHTERS are Awesome.!

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