Elon Musk Takes Aim At Woke Colleges, Accuses Them Of Promoting “Full-On Communism”

Famous businessman Elon Musk is in the news once more, this time for his vocal criticism of American colleges for allegedly pushing socialist doctrines. Musk has voiced his worries about the direction American higher education is going in an interview.

Musk, who is well-known in the IT sector for his inventiveness and leadership, did not hold back when expressing his concerns about what he sees as a concerning trend in academics. According to Musk, “it’s full-on communism and a general sentiment that if you’re rich, you’re evil.” He continued by expressing his displeasure with “neo-Marxist” influences in schooling.

One of Musk’s children has grown away from their wealthy father, which has caused tension in their relationship. This is a direct result of Musk’s candid opinions on capitalism and riches. Vivian Jenna Wilson, Musk’s transsexual daughter, 18, decided to alter her name in order to distance herself from the Musk family’s history. Citing differences in their values, she stated that she want to stay away from her biological father.

“It may change, but I have very good relationships with all the others [children],” Musk said, despite acknowledging the difficulties in his relationship with Vivian. Despite the difficulties in his personal life, Musk has managed to retain good relationships with the majority of his nearly ten children from different relationships.

This incident brings to light a larger worry held by many Americans who respect their personal liberties and minimal government involvement. Recent surveys show that more people, especially younger ones, are beginning to embrace socialist and communist ideas. While 41% of all adults currently have a good opinion of socialism, less than half of 18 to 34-year-olds have a positive view of “capitalism.”

The growing popularity of politicians who support socialist measures, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders, is indicative of this ideological shift. These extreme ideas have found a home on college campuses, which were once hubs for free speech and a diversity of viewpoints.

Studies have shown that a large number of teachers have left-leaning political views, which may have an impact on the subjects and tenor of their classes. Conservative students frequently express a sense of being sidelined and suppressed during class discussions, which is concerning since it suggests that the educational system is politically indoctrinating pupils.

Given this context, it is not shocking that 36% of college students today say they would rather be a communist; they reject the term “democratic socialism” in favor of a more radical philosophy more akin to communism in the Soviet Union.

Marxist ideas’ effect on the family is another issue that Musk’s tense relationship with his daughter brings up. Marxism aims to dismantle the conventional family unit and replace it with centralized government authority. Future generations’ values and views are shaped by their families, which are the cornerstone of society. Breaking these ties can have long-term effects.

Elon Musk’s critique of American institutions, in conclusion, highlights the spread of leftist ideas in higher education. Along with the apparent bias in academics, the emergence of socialism and communism among young Americans raises significant concerns about the future of our civilization. It is crucial to have frank and open conversations regarding the role of the government and individual liberties in order to make sure that our educational system fosters critical thinking and diversity of opinion rather than ideological conformity.

Uber driver saves up for 8 years to build a genius expandable container home

Imagine dreaming of an expandable container home that can travel with you, unfolding into a comfortable living space quickly, and equipped with all the essentials.

That’s exactly what Kamal Kadhar dreamed of ten years ago, inspired by innovative designs he discovered online.

Despite lacking formal construction training, Kamal started a journey fueled by determination and passion.

Using his earnings from eight years of driving for Uber, Kamal built a compact yet expandable container home measuring 7.5 feet by 24 feet.

Kamal Kadhar during his interview about his expandable container home.

The beauty of his creation lies in its portability – it can be towed by a 4×4 vehicle, eliminating the need for cranes or forklifts.

Kamal’s journey began in a field outside Tiruchirappalli, a southern Indian city, where he constructed his first prototype.

What sets Kamal’s creation apart is its simplicity and resilience. He opted for mechanical winches instead of complex hydraulics to ensure ease of deployment in remote locations.

As Kamal describes it, the expandable container home is like an octopus – small when needed, expandable when necessary, and can withstand disasters like fires, hurricanes, or floods.

Kamal and a friend assembling his expandable container home prototype using winches.

The relocation process is as easy as moving a shipping container, making it legally transportable anywhere in the world using a 4×4 SUV.

The journey wasn’t without its challenges.

After investing almost a decade of hard work and facing financial strain, Kamal’s family was on the verge of giving up.

However, witnessing the prototype changed everything. Realizing the idea’s value brought relief despite the personal and financial sacrifices.

Kamal’s unconventional path involved learning everything from YouTube, combining his experiences as an Uber driver with visits to construction sites and apprenticeships at a builder’s shop.

The relocation process is as easy as moving a shipping container, making it legally transportable anywhere in the world using a 4×4 SUV.

The journey wasn’t without its challenges.

After investing almost a decade of hard work and facing financial strain, Kamal’s family was on the verge of giving up.

However, witnessing the prototype changed everything. Realizing the idea’s value brought relief despite the personal and financial sacrifices.

Kamal’s unconventional path involved learning everything from YouTube, combining his experiences as an Uber driver with visits to construction sites and apprenticeships at a builder’s shop.

His creative mindset was founded on his father’s small scrap metal shop, where he played with metal and aluminum, shaping the project to resemble a regular shipping container.

The main structure starts small at 7ft 6in and expands to 20ft.

The expandable container home uses built-in leg jacks so it could be assembled in anywhere.

The expandable container home takes less than 2 hours to build, with a foundation not required.

It can be adjusted on uneven surfaces using built-in leg jacks.

The roof opens with stainless steel hinges, both mechanical and electrical components, avoiding hydraulics for reliability.

The roof opens to add solar panels, maximizing power generation for personal use or resale to the government by connecting to the grid.

The sides expand mechanically, controlled by a hinge, making it easy to pull and open with just one finger.

Unfloding the foldable kitchen at Kamal's container home.

The kitchen, also expandable, is attached to the bathroom facility. Utilities run down the middle, and it’s designed to hook up to city sewage.

The living area is spacious, with a total interior size of 300 square feet, and the bedroom features a foldable bed.

This house has been tested in a remote village, and even non-professionals helped build it confidently.

You can expand it and adjust the interior to make it more spacious.

Setting up the Murphy bed.

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