Chuck Norris is fi-ghting for life – Prayers needed

It is believed that Chuck Norris is a living legend. He has committed his life to serving others and has accomplished more than most people could ever conceive.

Chuck Norris has one heartbreaking legacy despite his fame and wealth: in 2013, his father passed away from cancer.

Chuck Norris’ commitment to fight cancer and spread awareness about the disease has only been strengthened by this tragedy. He now advocates for early detection and prevention, and he travels the nation speaking to groups about the value of getting regular checkups.

Chuck Norris wants to protect as many people as he can from this terrible illness.


One late evening, a wife softly unlocks the door to her bedroom upon returning home. She can see four legs peeking out from under the cover.

One late evening, a wife softly unlocks the door to her bedroom upon returning home. She notices that her spouse has two legs, yet there are four visible from under the blanket. She grabs a baseball bat and begins to strike the blanket as forcefully as she can.

She heads to the kitchen for a drink after finishing. Her spouse is there, reading a magazine, as she walks in.

“Hey sweetheart, I let your parents stay in our bedroom since they came to visit us,” he says. Have you said hi?

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