An entitled couple claimed my premium airplane seat – I taught them a lesson and managed to profit from the situation

When I went out of my way to get one of the best seats on my flight, I didn’t expect to be swindled out of it by a manipulative couple. But what they didn’t know was that they messed with the wrong person, and in the end, I was the victor!

As soon as I settled into my aisle seat, feeling quite pleased with the extra legroom I had carefully selected for this long flight, I noticed a couple approaching. Little did I know that my interaction with them would lead to me teaching them an important lesson. Here’s my tale that can teach you how to stand up for yourself against bullies. Read on…

The woman who approached me was in her late thirties, dressed in a designer outfit that screamed wealth. But her expression was anything but pleasant. Her husband, tall and broad-shouldered, walked slightly behind her with an air of arrogance that matched her demeanor.

They stopped right next to me, and the woman’s eyes zeroed in on my seat. Without so much as a polite greeting and while exuding entitlement, she rudely demanded, “You need to switch seats with me. I accidentally booked the wrong seat, and I refuse to sit away from my husband.”

I blinked, taken aback by her tone. She spoke as if her mistake was somehow MY problem to fix! I glanced at her boarding pass, which confirmed my suspicion. It was a middle seat in row 12, not even close to the premium one I had chosen!

When I didn’t immediately comply, the woman rolled her eyes dramatically.

“Come on, it’s just a seat. YOU don’t need all that space,” she scoffed dismissively at my hesitation, her tone dripping with condescension.

Her husband, standing behind her with his arms crossed, smirked as he added, “Yeah, be reasonable. We need to sit together, and you don’t really need to be up here, do you?”

The audacity of their request left me momentarily speechless. They were clearly arrogant and hadn’t even bothered to ask nicely. They just assumed I would give in to their demands. I could feel the other passengers’ eyes on us, some curious, others sympathetic.

I took a deep breath, weighing my options. A confrontation wasn’t something I wanted to deal with, especially not at the start of a six-hour flight.

“Alright,” I said with as much calm as I could muster. Standing up, I handed over my boarding pass while trying hard to hide my irritation. “Enjoy the seat,” I told them without meaning it.

The woman snatched the ticket from my hand with a satisfied smirk. She muttered something under her breath about people in premium seats being “So selfish.” Her husband supported her by saying, “Someone like her doesn’t even need it.”

As I made my way toward the back of the plane, where her assigned seat was, I could feel my blood boiling. But I wasn’t one to make a scene. I had a better idea. Just as I approached row 12, a flight attendant, who had been watching the whole exchange, intercepted me.


I smiled at her, the anger simmering down to a cool resolve. “I know. But I’m about to turn the tables.”

“I actually have a little trick up MY sleeve. Don’t worry, I’ve got this,” I said as I winked.

The flight attendant raised an eyebrow, but she didn’t press further as she quickly put two and two together and tried stifling a laugh. She directed me to my new seat. So, as soon as I reached my middle seat and sat down, I started forming my plan.

The premium seat had been booked using my frequent flyer miles, and with that came certain privileges that most passengers wouldn’t be aware of. I knew exactly what to do to teach those two bullies a lesson they’d never forget…

My middle seat in row 12 wasn’t close to being as comfortable as the premium one I had given up, but I knew it would all be worth it. I allowed the mean couple to enjoy the seat and think they’d won.

About an hour into the flight, when the cabin had settled into a comfortable hum of quiet conversations and the occasional clink of glasses, I signaled for the flight attendant who had spoken to me earlier. She approached, and I asked to speak with the chief purser.

She nodded with a knowing smile and disappeared, returning moments later with a woman who exuded authority.

“Good afternoon, ma’am. I understand there was an issue with your seating,” the chief purser said, her voice professional but warm.

I explained my situation calmly, emphasizing how I had been moved from my premium seat due to the couple’s deception. The purser listened carefully, her expression serious.

When I finished, she nodded and said, “I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. Please give me a moment.”

I noticed a few passengers paying close attention to what was happening. They must have figured that I was retaliating in some way and didn’t want to miss anything. They hilariously kept throwing glances in my direction and at the departing purser.

When the head stewardess walked away, she left me wondering what my next move should be. A few minutes later, she returned, but instead of an apology, she offered me a choice.

“Ma’am, you have two options. You can either return to your original seat, or we can compensate you for the inconvenience with a significant amount of airline miles, equal to upgrades on your next three flights.”

I pretended to consider it, but I already knew what I wanted. “I’ll take the miles,” I said, smiling inwardly at the thought of the extra benefits this would bring. I knew fully well that the miles were worth far more than the price difference between premium and economy on this flight.

The purser smiled and made a note on her tablet. “It’s done. And as a token of goodwill, we’ve upgraded your next flight to first class.”

“Thank you,” I replied, genuinely pleased. As she walked away, I settled back into my seat, a sense of satisfaction washing over me. I knew the couple up front had no idea what was coming.

The flight continued without incident until we began our descent. That’s when I noticed a flurry of activity around row 3, where the couple sat. The chief purser, accompanied by another flight attendant had made their way to them, their expressions serious.

“Excuse me, Mr. Williams and MISS Broadbent,” the purser began, her tone no longer friendly. She pronounced the woman’s title with emphasis, making it clear to all aboard that the couple weren’t even married!

“We need to address an issue with your seats,” she continued looking quite stern.

Broadbent’s smile faltered, and Williams looked genuinely puzzled.

“What do you mean?” she asked, her voice tinged with irritation.

The purser glanced at her tablet before continuing. “We’ve been informed that you manipulated another passenger into switching seats with you, which is a violation of our airline’s policy. This is a serious offense.”

The color drained from the woman’s face, and she stammered, “But… but we didn’t do anything wrong! We just asked to switch seats!”

“Unfortunately,” the purser interrupted, “we have clear reports of your behavior. Upon landing, you’ll need to go with security for further questioning.”

All the passengers had wide eyes as they absorbed all the drama!

“Also, lying about being married when you are not to manipulate other passengers, is problematic in its own way. Additionally, due to this breach, you will be placed on our airline’s no-fly list pending an investigation,” the purser continued.

Williams opened his mouth to protest, but no words came out. The flight attendants, already poised to act, ushered them out of their seats and toward the back of the plane. As they were escorted, Broadbent felt the need to defend herself.

“I might not be his wife now, but I will be in a few months! He is going to divorce his wife to be with me!” she yelled frantically.

A collective shock settled among all of us as we realized the two were having an affair!

The crew took them where they would be the first to be escorted off by airport security.

As I gathered my belongings after landing, I couldn’t resist glancing at the couple one last time. Their smug expressions were gone, replaced by a mix of anger and humiliation.

They had lost more than just a seat as they were now facing consequences that would follow them long after this flight. Walking through the airport, I couldn’t help but smile to myself.

In my 33 years of life, I’ve realized that sometimes, getting even isn’t about making a big spectacle to get your way; it’s about patiently watching those who think they’ve won realize just how badly they’ve lost!

And that’s how it’s done, folks! If you enjoyed my story or even felt a little empowered by it, you’ll LOVE this next one! Julia thought she had a good friend in Janet until the latter showed her true colors after borrowing the former’s special item. Like me, Julia got revenge by teaching Janet a lesson she’ll never forget!

Unemployed dad with face tattoo rejects 45 job offers since going viral with desperate work plea

A teenage father with ‘DEVAST8’ tattooed across his face is ‘waiting for the right job offer’ after his desperate plea for work went viral – and he has revealed he will be getting the jailhouse ink lasered off. 

Mark Cropp, 19, from New Zealand, took to social media on Wednesday afternoon to beg someone to look past his criminal convictions and heavily-tattooed face and give him a chance at work.

Within hours he had been inundated with job offers and said he had ‘stopped counting when he reached 45’. 

Scroll down for video 

Mark 'Devast8' Cropp (pictured) had his nickname 'DEVAST8' tattooed across his face in jail

Mark ‘Devast8’ Cropp (pictured) has revealed that he has turned down 45 job offers since his story went viral

The 19-year-old (pictured) had taken to social media in frustration that his face tattoos were preventing him from finding work

The 19-year-old (pictured) had taken to social media in frustration that his face tattoos were preventing him from finding work

But he told Daily Mail Australia he still hadn’t ‘done a day’s work’.

‘I am just waiting for the right one to come about,’ he said.

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Some of the jobs required him to have his own car – he clarified – but he will need help getting to the work site.

‘Until I get my first paycheck and get a car I won’t be able to get myself around,’ he said.

The former criminal revealed he will be getting the artwork – designed by his brother after a night of drinking home brew in jail – removed as soon as possible.

Cropp's partner,  Taneia Ruki, told Daily Mail Australia Cropp has accepted a fulltime scaffolding job 

‘A week before I got out I taped a picture of my face to the inside of an envelope so my partner could see it – she was devastated – but now she likes it and can’t see me without it,’ Cropp (pictured, right) said

Man with DEVAST8 tattoo speaks about trying to get a job

‘I am just working out a date to get it taken off – which sucks because it is going to hurt,’ he said. 

‘And because, you know, this tattoo means something to me and my brother did it for me so it is hard to make the decision to get rid of it.

‘But I know it is the best thing for my future – and I want to be a person my family can look to for support.’

The artwork was designed to make him ‘look tough’ when he landed in jail following a long string of violent behaviour.

This image shows Cropp (pictured) before the face tattoo which made him go viral on social media

This image shows Cropp (pictured) before the face tattoo which made him go viral on social media

The teenage father grabbed global headlines after he turned to social media to complain that his face tattoo was a stain on his job prospects

‘And because, you know, this tattoo means something to me and my brother did it for me so it is hard to make the decision to get rid of it,’ he said

Mark and girlfriend Taneia Ruki got together a year before he was sent to prison 

Mark and girlfriend Taneia Ruki got together a year before he was sent to prison 

It was meant to be a ‘little one along the jawline,’ but the pair got carried away after drinking home brew made from fermented apples, sugar and bread.  

‘I went into jail with four tattoos and I came out with a full body suit,’ he said.

But the face tattoo was the biggest shock to his family.

‘A week before I got out I taped a picture of my face to the inside of an envelope so my partner could see it – she was devastated – but now she likes it and can’t see me without it.’ 

DEVAST8 happens to be the 19-year-old’s nickname.

Mark Cropp (pictured) told Daily Mail Australia he is still waiting for the right job to come along
The viral social media sensation has other tattoos also, but plans to get the face ink lasered off

Mark Cropp (pictured) told Daily Mail Australia he is still waiting for the right job to come along

Cropp (pictured) says the face tattoo was supposed to be small but he and his brother got carried away after drinking homebrew

Cropp (pictured) says the face tattoo was supposed to be small but he and his brother got carried away after drinking homebrew

‘I was going through a rough patch’: Teen with DEVAST8 jail tattoo

‘I would end up devastating everyone I met or got close to. 

‘They would be disappointed with something I had done or said – I was always hearing “that’s devastating”,’ he said.

But he hopes the devastating chapters of his life are over – erased along with the ink on his face.

‘I have learnt from my mistake,’ he said.

‘I still don’t think people should be judged by the tattoos on their face – but I know it will keep happening unless I do something about it.’ 

Before his final desperate plea on Facebook the teenager said people had ‘laughed in (his) face’ when he had asked for work.  

The tattoo was drawn with a homemade gun which used a needle made from the spring of a pen and powered by a cassette player.

Plastic knives and forks are burnt to a black plastic powder and mixed with toothpaste and water to create the ink.

The teenager has been out of jail for two weeks. 

Mark has also been offered laser therapy to remove the tattoo and will have his first session on Tuesday (pictured right with partner) 

Mark has also been offered laser therapy to remove the tattoo and will have his first session on Tuesday (pictured right with partner) 

The New Zealander (pictured) has been out of jail for two weeks and says he has learnt from his mistake

The New Zealander (pictured) has been out of jail for two weeks and says he has learnt from his mistake

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