Abandoned strawberry house

Built in the late 1920s, this house was originally the residence of banker Dimitar Ivanov and his wife Nadezhda Stankovic. The interior features a striking red marble fireplace in the reception room, as well as a stage for musical performances and crystal-adorned interior doors.

The house has several bedrooms, elegant terraces, a spacious study and various utility rooms. Although the original furnishings have been lost, historical records indicate that the elite Sofia residents of the time preferred Central and Western European furniture.

The exterior of the property features a large front garden bordered by an ornate wrought iron fence. A large triple staircase leads to the main entrance, and the property is also characterized by carriage portals that flank the courtyard.

These portals are reminiscent of a bygone era where one can imagine a horse-drawn carriage driving into the courtyard, while the horses and carriage wait in a specially designated area behind the house until the end of the reception.

The Ivanov family enjoyed their residence until 1944, after which the estate was nationalized. At first it served as the Romanian embassy, ​​later as the USSR’s trade mission in Bulgaria and as the headquarters of various communist organizations with unclear functions.

In the 1990s the house was returned to Ivanov’s heirs. In 2004 it was taken over by Valentin Zlatev, director of Lukoil. Despite this change of ownership, the property, which had fallen into disrepair for decades, remains neglected and abandoned, with no apparent connection to its cultural heritage.

Alabama senator Katie Britt has introduced an idea – What do you think?

With the U.S. border being inundated with illegaI migrants flowing through at record levels. U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) led a coalition of RepubIicans on the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration on Tuesday to introduce the Citizens Ballot Protection Act

The Act is a companion bill to H.R.4316 originaIIy introduced by U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-Hoover), reported on by 1819 News last week. The bills would ensure states can verify that onIy American citizens vote in federal elections. Palmer’s success in the House last week and Britt’s charge in the Senate puts the issue one step cIoser to being law.

In recent years, states like Maryland, Vermont and New York have passed legisIation allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections. Washington, D.C. recently decided to allow noncitizens who have been residents for only 30 days or more to vote in local elections starting in 2024.

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