A Man Sacrificed Everything to Care for His Wife, Who Has Been in a Vegetative State for Years

When people marry, they promise to love each other in sickness and in health. On their wedding day, no one think about illness, but some couples are tested by life’s challenges. Bruna and her husband David have been going through this trial for several years, inspiring admiration from those around them.

The story of this couple became viral and touched the hearts of people all over the world. David takes care of his wife, who has been in a vegetative state for several years. They were both under 30 when the tragedy occurred, but David remains optimistic and sacrifices everything for the woman he adores so much. Due to frequent absences, he lost his job and was left without money needed for Bruna’s recovery. That’s why he has an Instagram page and hopes for donations.

It was 2019. David César and Bruna de Sousa were watching TV on a normal day when, suddenly, Bruna started having convulsions due to cardiorespiratory arrest. In an interview, David recalled, “In a matter of three minutes, she lost all vital signs. We rushed to the hospital, and after 25 minutes, they managed to resuscitate her, but she had been without oxygen for a long time.”

According to David’s account, Bruna suffered from a disorder that does not affect the basic functions of the nervous system but does prevent her from perceiving her surroundings. In other words, his wife was left with permanent sequelae and in a vegetative state.

Bruna was hospitalized for almost two years, and since June 2019, David has devoted all his time to taking care of her in his own home. However, being unemployed, he could not meet all the needs of his partner. And yes, although she is at home, she needs the help of specialists, medications, food, and other things.

The truth is that what David was earning as a driver was not enough to cover his wife’s needs. For this reason, he was forced to start raising funds.

Although many charitable souls took pity on them, Bruna’s expenses kept increasing. David himself acknowledged this at the time: “We haven’t managed to get her retirement yet. But two volunteer lawyers are helping us. We are living on donations.”

Fortunately, after going through so many difficult moments, there was still hope. David learned of treatment in Canada thanks to the information provided by the neurologists. If he could get access to it, Bruna would have to take the medication for three years and combine it with physiotherapy. However, the cost of this option was around $20,000, so the couple had to resort again to raising funds through donations.

The young man started to raise money and collected 28,000 dollars, however, Bruna’s monthly costs are still very high, and she needs even more money. We hope that these funds will improve Bruna’s condition.

More than five years have passed since the pivotal moment when life took a different turn for Bruna and David. Through his Instagram profile, the young man shared memories of their relationship. Moreover, he diligently keeps his followers informed about the progress of his beloved wife.

This story inspires people around the world. Many users show their support for the couple, wishing Bruna a recovery and sending David strength and patience. Moreover, such unwavering devotion is regarded as true pure love. One of them wrote: “I believe in this love, and this made me cry and motivated”.

Mysterious plane found in the sea – Navy goes speechless when they look inside

Jack, a recent Navy recruit, led a routine naval mission that took an unforeseen turn when a submerged aircraft, initially believed to have historical importance, exposed a dark and sinister secret.

The aircraft attracted plenty of attention and the team that stumbled upon it came across mysterious assortment of items that piqued their curiosity.

Upon further research, it was determined that the plane’s last reported position matched its current resting place beneath the waves. With this breakthrough, the team devised a strategic plan to raise the aircraft from its watery grave.

A team of divers armed with years of experience and training navigated around the aircraft, but it was made clear that accessing the plane in its current location was impossible. This asked for another plan – deploying a massive crane stationed on the ship’s deck, poised to undertake the monumental task of lifting the plane to the surface.

Finally, when the aircraft emerged from the ocean’s depths and surfaced into the daylight, a palpable sense of awe filled Jack and the rest of his team, but it was when they took a closer look of the inside of it that they were met with an unforeseen discovery.

Instead of the what they expected to find, the interior revealed a disquieting array of objects, intensifying the mystery surrounding the aircraft. Jack’s keen eye noticed a subtle clue, triggering a series of events that would expose a criminal conspiracy of unprecedented scale.

There was no single clue that would relate the aircraft of the presence of crew or any passengers. The cockpit, typically bustling with the pilot’s activities, was eerily quiet and deserted, prompting plenty of questions about the circumstances that preceded the plane’s landing into the ocean.

There was evidence of tempering with the emergency exit door, fueling debates about the fate of potential occupants. The lack of personal belongings of potential passengers deepened the enigma and left Jack and his team with more questions than answers.

To learn more go to the video below.

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