A Doctor Turns Away a Poor Girl in Labor at the Entrance of an Upscale Clinic

The doctor gave her a stern glance. “Well, miss, if you want to be admitted, you need to pay. But after seeing your condition, I don’t think you can afford the treatment here!”

“But doctor, please…”

Before Anna could complete her sentence, the doctor cut her off. “Can you please stop shouting! I don’t care whether you die in pain! Remember, no money, no treatment. And if you continue acting like this, I will kick you out of here!”

Anna was about to give birth on the doorstep. She thought of requesting the doctor once again, but before she could say anything, he slammed the clinic door in her face and went inside.

Dejected, Anna decided to go to another hospital. However, the pain was so intense that she couldn’t move a bit. So she just sat there, gripping her stomach and looking for someone to assist her.

Luckily, a kind doctor came out of the clinic and offered her help. “Please come with me, ma’am,” he told Anna as he approached her. “I’ll save your child no matter what!” With that, the doctor escorted her inside, set up a separate ward for her, and ensured that Anna’s delivery went smoothly.

Not long after, Anna delivered a baby boy, but the baby was premature and had to be placed in the NICU immediately.

Poor Anna was so exhausted after the delivery that she didn’t wake up until the next morning when she discovered the obnoxious doctor by her side. “What the hell? Since when did this clinic start admitting beggars like you?!” He looked at her angrily.

“Anyway, It’s not too late to clean the mess. So get up and get out of the hospital!” he added and started “escorting” Anna out of the hospital.

Luckily, at that moment, the kind doctor, Dr. Paul Warner, came in. “Dr. Morgan, what are you doing? She gave birth yesterday, and she’s still weak!” he retorted.

Dr. Morgan gave a fierce glance to Dr. Warner. “Stay out of this, Paul! I’m your senior, and I know what’s best for the clinic. We can’t admit her without the fees! That’s a rule!”

“If that’s the case, I’ll pay her fees,” Dr. Warner said firmly. “But I’m not letting her leave until she and her baby recover completely!”

Dr. Morgan burst out laughing. “You’re such a knucklehead, Paul. I don’t think your bank account will allow it!”

“You don’t need to worry about that doctor,” Dr. Warner continued. “I will pay the bills by tomorrow morning. Mark my words!”

“Alright! But if you’re not able to pay the fees, I’ll kick her out,” Dr. Morgan almost yelled and walked away.

The next day, Anna was on her way to the washroom when she met Dr. Morgan again. “I checked with the accounts department, and the payment hasn’t been made. So pack your bags and get out of this place ASAP!” he ordered her.

“Doctor, just give me until the afternoon. My husband is on his way, and he’ll take care of everything,” Anna assured him.

Dr. Morgan sighed and rolled his eyes. “Do you really want me to believe that? Aren’t you just making up excuses so that you can stay here?”

“Well, doctor, if I’m making excuses, you can throw me out of here in the afternoon!” Anna said firmly and walked away.

To Dr. Morgans’ surprise, Anna’s husband actually showed up at the clinic that afternoon. But when Dr. Morgan saw him, he couldn’t believe his eyes!

“Mr. Carter, you?” he inquired, surprised.

“Yes, David. It’s me. My wife told me everything, and I can’t believe you treated a pregnant woman like that!”

It turned out that Anna was going to give birth in Germany, but her labor began early while her husband was away on a business trip. Anna considered approaching this luxury clinic for assistance because her husband was the primary sponsor there.

Since the pain was severe, she didn’t waste time changing her clothes and went there in her nightgown, forgetting her phone in the process. Dr. Warner kindly offered her his phone, allowing her to contact her husband.

When Dr. Morgan saw her outside the hospital, he mistook her for a poor woman and threatened to kick her out. But now that Dr. Morgan knew Anna wasn’t any random woman asking for help, he realized he had invited huge trouble for himself.

“I had no idea she was your wife, Sir,” Dr. Morgan said quietly. “I apologize for the mistreatment. ”

“How does it matter, David?” Mr. Carter almost yelled at him. “How can you behave like that with any pregnant woman!”

“Well, Sir. I won’t…”

Before Dr. Morgan could finish, Mr. Carter cut him off. “No, David. Nothing can explain what you did. And you should be punished for it. Therefore, I’m firing you! I hope this way you’ll learn your lesson.”

“But Sir, then the maternity ward won’t have a head doctor. Moreover, there aren’t many senior doctors here, and it may take the clinic some time to find one!” Dr. Morgan expressed his thoughts. “So, at the very least, let me stay here till then!”

Mr. Carter smiled at him. “You don’t need to worry about that, doctor! I have appointed someone as the head already,” he said and called Dr. Warner inside. “Let me introduce you to Dr. Warner, the new head.”

Dr. Morgan was shocked. “But Sir, he’s still young, and he’s inexperienced!”

“Well, he deserves to be a doctor and the head, considering how he decided to aid a pregnant woman without considering her status or whether she would have money!”

Dr. Morgan didn’t utter a word. He stood silently with his head bowed down.

Mr. Carter continued. “I don’t think you qualify as a doctor, David. A doctor would always try their best to save a patient! So, please leave and don’t come back here ever again!”

Dr. Morgan walked out of the clinic, embarrassed by what he’d done.

What can we learn from this story?

Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Learn to be humble and kind like Dr. Warner.
Good people always get goodness in return.

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Tackling Child Trafficking: Mel Gibson’s Powerful Film, “Sound of Freedom”

Child trafficking is one of the worst issues facing modern society, causing suffering to countless innocent lives. Mel Gibson’s most recent film, “Sound of Freedom,” with its powerful message and star-studded cast, sheds light on this depressing reality. To the surprise of many, however, this important film has been overlooked by major streaming providers, raising doubts about Hollywood’s true motivations.

Disclosing the Startling Reality

“Sound of Freedom” explores the topic of child exploitation in great detail. It is based on the true story of Tim Ballard and his organization, Operation Underground Railroad. It exposes the disturbing truth that the film industry’s glitz and extravagance mask. But Hollywood doesn’t seem to want to give it the recognition it deserves.

The Hollywood Elite Is Under Investigation

Prominent figures, such as Oprah Winfrey, have been the target of allegations regarding their associations with individuals such as Harvey Weinstein and John of God. The suspicion is stoked by these claims, which suggest that the elite of Hollywood may have been complicit in the cover-up of these heinous murders. It appears that their own interests come before the safety of children who are in danger.

Taking on the Unsavory Underbelly of Hollywood

The media’s scant attention to “Sound of Freedom” serves as a sobering reminder of Hollywood’s unwillingness to confront its own dark secrets. It raises the question of whom we can truly trust in Tinseltown, the city of dreams. But Mel Gibson isn’t going to say no.

Mel Gibson Reveals His Disapproval of Secret Plans

Mel Gibson, a well-known actor and filmmaker, has fearlessly spoken out against the hidden agenda of Hollywood. His voice joins the growing chorus of individuals demanding justice and clarification for the victims of child trafficking. Through his film, he hopes to raise awareness and inspire action against this horrifying crime.

Encouraging Action Scenes in Movies

The song “Sound of Freedom” is an appeal to action for people everywhere. Gibson wants to show the power of story and cinema and encourage us to band together, take a stand, and defend the vulnerable. Together, we have the power to bring about change.

Sending a Clear Message: Protecting the Innocent

It is abundantly clear from uplifting films like “Sound of Freedom” that we will not tolerate the exploitation and abuse of children. It’s time for Hollywood to acknowledge its grim realities and prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable people of society.

Take Part in the Campaign to End Child Trafficking

Join the fight against child trafficking by speaking up. Together, we can make a difference and put a stop to this unimaginable horror. Come fight with us in the fight against child trafficking.

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