Returning from a two-week trip, Victoria found her yellow house repainted gray by her nosy neighbors. Furious, she decided to fight back.

Hi, I’m Victoria, 57, and curious. Imagine coming home after a trip to find your house repainted! That’s what happened to me, and I’m still fuming.

My bright yellow house, painted by my late husband, was a target for my new neighbors, the Davises, who hated its color. They constantly complained and even tried to sue me to change it. But I held my ground.

While I was away, they forged a work order to repaint my house gray. My neighbor saw everything and took pictures, but the police couldn’t act because the painters had a valid work order.

I confronted the painting company, who were shocked and apologized. They agreed to testify against the Davises in court.

In court, the Davises were found guilty of fraud and vandalism. They were ordered to repaint my house yellow and cover all costs.

Outside the courthouse, Mrs. Davis hissed, “I hope you’re happy.” I smiled, “I will be when my house is YELLOW again!” Standing your ground pays off. What do you think?

The Woman Took The Dying Dog In Her Arms, He Weighed Like A Feather And Could Not Move!

When they discovered an emaciated dog living next to a busy highway. He was so emaciated that his bones were visible through his skin, and almost all of his hair had fallen out from illness and starvation.

The poor dog was so weak that he couldn’t even move, let alone stand or walk. It was so heartbreaking. There was a small billboard where he was, which protected him from both heat and cold, but even there he could not stay for long without help

Despite this, rescuers will now do everything possible to give him a new chance at life. The woman picked up the dog and carried it to the car. She was so emotional to see the dog in such a state that she began to cry, realizing what he had to go through alone.

Rescuers then rushed him to a nearby veterinary clinic to see if the veterinarians could do anything to help him. They were completely stunned by his appearance.

They wasted no time. Veterinarians conducted a full examination and discovered he had scabies and parasites. He was severely malnourished and dehydrated, but they could fix it. The dog, named Lancris, was put on a strict diet to help him regain his weight.

During the day he had to eat a lot and in small portions. This will continue until he reaches a safe enough weight and then can begin eating several large meals a day. After the vets were assured that the dog would recover, they discharged Lancris from the clinic and he was now in the care of his amazing savior.

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