High fives to Morgan Freeman for transforming his ranch into a 124-acre honeybee sanctuary.

In an attempt to avert impending tragedy, Morgan Freeman has given honeybees access to his farm.

The world’s most beloved storyteller aspires to provide a fresh narrative for the declining honeybee population by granting them access to his 124 acres of property. In 2014, the 81-year-old actor turned his Mississippi property into a bee sanctuary after taking up beekeeping as a pastime. He planted acre upon acre of bee-attracting plants, such as clover, lavender, and magnolia trees, and brought in 26 bee hives from Arkansas.

He gave the bees sugar water to help them get used to their new habitat, and he claims that even though he hasn’t worn a cap or protective suit, he has never been stung. Freeman’s mission is to assist in repopulating the declining honeybee population; he does not collect honey from the bees or interfere with their hives.

Building a bee sanctuary, according to Freeman, is his way of contributing to the reconstruction of “the foundation of the growth of the planet.”

In a 2016 Larry King Live interview, Freeman described his motivation for converting his property into a haven for honeybees.

“Bee colonies have been losing a great deal, especially in this nation,” he informed King. “To the point where scientists are now warning that this is dangerous.”

Shortly after moving the hives to his property in 2014, Freeman spoke with Jimmy Fallon about his passion of beekeeping. “There is a concerted effort for bringing bees back onto the planet,” he added. “I believe they are the basis for the planet’s growth, the vegetation, but we are unaware of this.”

Honeybees and other insects are essential to human crop pollination. The loss of pollinators will negatively impact our food supply. Losing the bee population could have catastrophic effects on life as we know it.

Why do bees go extinct? There are several solutions, and a lot of them include human interference.

In a poll released last year by Auburn University and University of Maryland, American beekeepers reported that 40 percent of their colonies had collapsed the year before, a 33% rise from the year before. There are several different causes for the die-off.

For the past ten or so years, some bee species have been affected by colony collapse disorder. Numerous potential explanations have been proposed by scientists, including pesticides, environmental stressors, a lack of genetic variation within colonies, and mite infestations.

The survey’s researchers speculate that bees could be another victim of climate change. The weather and temperature have an impact on bee food and forage, according to Geoffrey Williams, an assistant professor at Auburn, who spoke to Bloomberg. It should be rather evident that bees that are already on the verge of collapse will fare less well in the event of a sudden and drastic change in the weather.

Moreover, pesticides are at fault. Commonly employed in agricultural regions, neonicotinoid pesticides kill bees and prevent them from reproducing. According to scientists, these chemicals gradually reduce bee populations and are especially hazardous to queen bees, which has an impact on bee populations over time.

Bravo to Freeman for building a wholesome haven for honeybees. We all have a responsibility to the environment, and every action we take to safeguard the environment has an impact.

Matthew McConaughey stated that he lost 50 pounds for ‘Dallas Buyers Club’

The renowned actor of “Dallas Buyers Club,” Matthew McConaughey, has revealed the peculiar eating regimen he followed to lose fifty pounds in preparation for the role. The actor disclosed that he only consumed egg whites, tapioca pudding, a lot of fish, and “as much wine as [he] wanted to drink” in an episode that aired on October 22.His motivation for following these strict rules was to accurately represent the man he plays in the movie, Ron Woodroof, who received a stage 4 HIV/AIDS diagnosis in the middle of the 1980s. He went on to say that if he hadn’t lost all the weight, it would have shown on screen and nobody would have known that he was Ron Woodroof.

Although McConaughey acknowledged that the choice was challenging, it was hardly agonizing. Rather, he proclaimed himself to be a fighter who took on the issue head-on in order to uphold his moral principles and what it stands for.

In just five months, Matthew McConaughey achieved an amazing feat—he went from 188 to 135 pounds. He ate little portions of fish, vegetables, tapioca pudding, and egg whites throughout the day to maintain his lean physique and eschewed exercise. He had little portions of vegetables and egg whites for breakfast, and roughly five ounces of fish for dinner and lunch. The actor was minding his diet, but he wasn’t going to starve himself; he treated himself to a rare treat of tapioca pudding, which he consumed with the tiniest New Orleans antique spoon.

During a news conference at the 2014 Screen Awards, McConaughey described how this tactic helped him to taste it more.

When it comes to lean protein options, dietitians usually suggest fish to people who are trying to reduce weight. Furthermore, because of their varied nutritional profile and low calorie content, plant-based foods help with weight management. In the past, Matthew McConaughey underwent a strict diet in order to gain muscle for a part in the movie Magic Mike. He followed a low-calorie diet that caused him to lose weight quickly and dramatically.

Interestingly, he lost a large amount of weight while cutting down for Dallas Buyers Club without doing any exercise. McConaughey realized that regardless of how much effort he put in at the gym or anywhere else,

Every week, he consistently lost 2.5 pounds. Diets low in calories are an easy way to lose weight, but if done incorrectly, they can be fatal. If you don’t eat enough nutrition, your body may experience deficits in vitamins and minerals, dehydration, and slowed metabolism. Weariness, hair loss, and weakened immunity can also be consequences of low-calorie diets lacking in essential nutrients. If you’re considering a low-calorie diet, consult a trained dietitian or your doctor first to be sure you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals your body requires for the diet to be beneficial and healthful.

In order to preserve lifespan and general health, it is also essential to make sure that the foods taken on a low-calorie diet are nutrient-dense. Lastly, it’s critical to keep in mind that low-calorie diets are rarely sustainable. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and weight is best achieved by combining regular physical activity and a balanced diet. This will help you get the nutrients you need while keeping your weight at a healthy level.

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