Everyone has their own opinions, but it’s often wiser to keep them private. Recently, a 76-year-old fashion influencer stirred up some mixed reactions after posting a photo of herself in a sleeveless, knee-length dress. Although the post received numerous comments, not all were flattering.
Candace Cima, a grandmother of 11, showcased her style in a sleeveless brown knit dress paired with a cozy sweater in a video. While many praised her for embracing fashion at her age, others were critical of her outfit choice.
Some comments expressed that the dress did not suit her figure, suggesting that a tighter fit below the waist was unflattering. Others shared their disapproval, stating that they wouldn’t wear such a dress and felt it was inappropriate for someone of her age to show so much skin.
Cima responded to the negativity by affirming that it’s completely natural to have wrinkled skin at her age and expressed her lack of shame regarding it. She pondered whether she should also cover her face simply because of the wrinkles.
Having launched her fashion blog in 2019, Cima identified a gap in representation for older women in the fashion world. She recognized a need to discuss how to dress confidently as one ages, challenging the notion that women must hide their bodies as they grow older.
Cima advocates for a shift in the perception of aging, emphasizing that it’s unnecessary to hold on to outdated beliefs in today’s society.
Despite the harsh comments she received, Cima chose to focus on the positive and offer encouragement to her younger followers. She highlighted the joys of aging, reminding them that the wisdom accumulated over a lifetime is something to be cherished and celebrated.
Young Man Notices A Lady Following Him

A young man noticed an elderly lady following him around while shopping in a supermarket. She stopped when he stopped and kept staring at him. Eventually, at the checkout, she approached him and said, “I hope I haven’t made you feel ill at ease; it’s just that you look so much like my late son.”
The man replied, “That’s okay.”
She then made an unusual request: “I know it’s silly, but if you’d call out, ‘Goodbye, Mom’ as I leave the store, it would make me so happy.”
Obligingly, as she left, the man called out, “Goodbye Mom!” She waved and smiled back.
Feeling pleased for brightening her day, the man proceeded to pay for his groceries. The clerk said, “That comes to $121.85.”
Surprised, the man exclaimed, “How come so much! I only bought 5 items.”
The clerk replied, “Yeah, but your mother said you’d be paying for her things too.”
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