April 11, 1954, is the most boring day ever, according to a Cambridge computer scientist who used a search engine with a database with over 300 million facts. Don’t be judgmental, we know a couple of cool things happened, but there was no Google to check it. Well, a couple of decades have passed and life is anything but boring right now.
Bright Side wants to show you 15 people whose ordinary day turned into an absolutely wild adventure after a surprising discovery.
1. “This circle that appeared in the evening sky”

2. “My orange has 2 sides.”

3. “The sun reflecting off my side mirror melted a mirror-shaped hole in the frost on the window.”

4. “I have a ridiculously oversized clothespin I found years ago and now I’ve found its ridiculously micro-sized little brother.”

5. “Saw this mega strawberry.”

6. “This wheelchair ramp is made out of Legos.”

7. “This moss in the shape of a heart”

8. “Caught a yellow garden spider eating a lady bug at the perfect moment.”

9. “There was one heart-shaped treat in my dog’s bone-shaped treats.”

10. “There was a billiard ball inside of my bocce ball.”
11. “It was a great day till this moment.”

11. “It was a great day till this moment.”

12. “Found a cauliflower growing straight out of a concrete curb in my street.”

13. “Found a tiny, seemingly ripe, orange.”

14. “My friend’s bruise resembles The Mona Lisa.”

15. “Found a rock in the shape of a skull on a Scottish Mountain.”

Colin Kaepernick hasn’t played since 2017 and has reportedly been aiming for an NFL comeback.
Jim Harbaugh’s hire for the Los Angeles Chargers couId mean big things for a certain former NFL star: Colin Kaepernick. Kaepernick hasn’t played since 2017 and has reportedly been aiming for an NFL comeback.

Several teams have briefly shown some interest and he has worked out for teams before, but he hasn’t been signed or come cIose to it. The door seemed to be closing, but Harbaugh’s return could change that. Pro Football Talk’s Mike Florio highlighted that Kaepernick’s major milestones came under Harbaugh, who also voiced his support for the quarterback during his exile.
Florio also pointed out that Harbaugh considered hiring Kaepernick to work with quarterbacks at Minnesota when he was being considered for the head coaching job.
There’s no telling what Harbaugh plans to do. He’s onIy just been hired by LA, but the connection to the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback is very real and could be his last shot at a return.
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