12 Comics That Show the Real Struggles of Modern Women

Each modern woman has their own struggles when it comes to their family or job. Yet, there are some things that many of us can relate to and they would seem annoying if they weren’t so funny, like going to the shop to buy shoes but ending up with 3 sweaters instead.

We at Bright Side know that modern women are powerful, but we think there should still be a place for humor in their lives. Here you can find 12 comics about girls and their funny problems.

1. When you have to wear a strapless bra to show your beautiful back

2. When you decided you want to wear a dress today

3. When you bought a new red lipstick but figured out that it’s not as provocative as you thought

4. When you decided to make a nice dinner for yourself

5. When you chose XS instead of S hoping your diet worked

6. When it’s time for the most important beauty procedure

7. When you spend an hour trying to curl your hair

8. When you start doubting that all your beauty products actually work

9. When you bought a subscription to yoga classes and have to force yourself to go after work

10. When your photographer for official documents didn’t show you the pic before printing it

11. When your deodorant is magically visible on every item of clothing you own

12. When depression arrives and you need a change

What is the funny little struggle that you face often? What do you think about the life of modern women? Is it easier than before?

Got some cool photos or stories and want to be featured on Bright Side? Send them all right HERE and right now. Meanwhile, we’re waiting!

These 4 common foods can turn toxic when kept in the refrigerator

Technology has made life easier in the modern day. The refrigerator and microwave are only two of the many appliances we have in the kitchen that help us live simpler. But did you know that sometimes these technologies can be used against us, transforming good components into bad ones?

Yes, today we will talk about refrigerators and how they can contaminate some of the most often consumed foods. Are you ready for some unexpected discoveries in the kitchen? Let’s get going now!

1. Cooked rice

Rice, our wonderful companion, comes first. In the UK, the National Health Service states that refrigerating rice can cause serious food poisoning. It’s true that fried rice leftovers stored in the fridge for more than a day have the potential to become fatal petri dishes. The maximum amount of time rice should be exposed to the inside of your refrigerator is two hours. Some molds can start to party after that. Heating it repeatedly? That’s just asking for trouble, my friend.

2. Celery

Next are onions. How much they have seen us weep! Onions don’t pair well with the cold. When chilled, their starch turns into sugar and welcomes mold like an old friend. Have you ever refrigerated an onion that has been half chopped? It’s like to laying a red carpet for dangerous bacteria and mold. Because onions are very good at absorbing bacteria, you could really gather all the germs in a room with just one slice of onion. Fantastic, but this is definitely not something you should eat.

3. The onion

Garlic, the flavorful base of so many delectable recipes. It would be like having a mushroom festival if you put it in the fridge. Stored unpeeled and at room temperature, garlic grows well. Refrigeration can damage its nutrients and essential oils, resulting in a loss of flavor and health benefits. as well as eating bad garlic? Not the delicious trip you had hoped for. Think about experiencing nausea, upset stomach, or perhaps liver damage.

4. Ginger

Finally, our zingy friend ginger. You might think it’s a good idea to freeze or refrigerate ginger, but think again. Mold is drawn to this strong-smelling root faster than a wintertime sneeze. That mold as well? Hepatic and renal issues are connected! Fresh ginger relieves gas and bloating due to its potent antioxidants; however, when it has a fuzzy, green coat, these benefits are negated.

That’s it for now. You should never store these four culinary items in your refrigerator, shockingly. Your food will thank you if you follow these directions; it will taste excellent and be safe, free of mold and toxin. Until the next time, happy cooking and even happier eating!

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