11 Old-School Parenting Rules That We Can’t Imagine to Follow Today

These days, young parents have tons of information about raising kids. There are books, websites, and experts offering advice on every little thing. They can even get consultations from specialists whenever they need. But our own parents didn’t have all that. They raised us based on what they knew and what they learned from their own parents. So sometimes, the way we were brought up can seem really different from what we’re told is best now.

1. Early marriage and parenthood go without saying.

In earlier generations, there was often pressure on young adults to marry and start a family at a relatively young age, and to have more than one child a couple of years after the start of the family. Today, there is more emphasis on personal and career development before settling down. And moreover some researches show that early marriage can lead to some family problems, like dissatisfaction with married life, experience of having lots of responsibility, lack of independence in family life.

2. A college education is an indicator of your status.

«You can’t find a good job without going to college!» Many people must have heard this when they were teenagers. And lots of us believed this, but now don’t even know where our college diploma is. More than 41% of people that finished college have jobs that don’t require this kind of education. Today, employers are more interested in the practical skills of their employees rather than their qualifications.

When you finish school, it may be wise to take a gap year to understand what you really want to do and decide if you actually need a college education.

3. Classes are good for kids’ development — the more, the better!

A very tight schedule can exhaust children, which is obviously not good at all.

Famous American teacher Douglas Haddad recommends that parents slow down and give their children time to discover their own talents, and then decide if they need additional forms of education.

4. Being plump is healthy.

Children that always finished their meals were praised, and being plump was believed to be healthy. But bad eating habits formed in childhood often result in weight problems and eating disorders.

5. Money can’t buy happiness.

We wish this were true, but life says otherwise: money can make you happier, no matter what other people say.

Parents should teach their children the basics of budgeting. This will help kids form the right habits in money management and reach financial success in their adult lives.

6. Not standing out from the crowd means being good.

Traditional parenting often enforced strict dress codes and grooming expectations, particularly regarding modesty and conformity to societal norms. This might puzzle us today as modern parenting encourages children to express themselves through their clothing, appearance and let them express their emotions fully.

7. Older children are responsible for younger ones.

Very often, older children had to spend a lot of time taking care of younger ones. Parents had to work a lot and there was no other choice. But older kids had to sacrifice their time with friends and hobbies for the needs of their younger siblings.

Psychologists say that sometimes when kids have to perform the duties of parents, it may lead to psychological problems: they might not want to have their own children.

8. Women are housewives and men are breadwinners.

In recent decades, gender roles are not as important anymore. Women today can build successful careers and men can go on paternity leave and manage things around the house.

9. There’s nothing more shameful for a woman than having children without a husband.

Wrong, again. Today, there’s nothing surprising about single mothers and they’re not frowned upon as they were 30 years ago. Very often, having a child without a husband is an informed decision made by a woman. More than that, in the past 30 years, the number of single fathers has increased 1.5 times.

10. Storks deliver babies.

Some topics were never discussed — like when kids asked where babies came from, parents often said that they were delivered by a stork. Because of this, young people would often get into their first relationship without any knowledge of their bodies. They only based things off of the advice they received from their friends and bits of information from books and films. All these experiences could lead to bad consequences, including problems with both physical and mental health.

11. Children should be seen and not heard.

In the past, children were often expected to remain quiet and obedient in the presence of adults. Modern parenting emphasizes the importance of children expressing themselves and their opinions, because self-expression is a vital component of a young individual’s growth. The development of self-esteem and confidence in children is frequently nurtured by their capacity to express their feelings with clarity and authenticity.

Every parent has their own way of raising children. Just like how every family has its own special traditions, parents have rules they think are best for their kids. Sometimes, famous people, like celebrities, also share their ideas about parenting. They might talk about what works for them and their families. But in the end, each parent decides what’s right for their own children, based on love and what they believe is best.

‘Matilda’ Star Mara Wilson Reveals Her Surprising Reason for Quitting Hollywood

“Matilda” star Mara Wilson surprised many people when she left Hollywood at a young age because of the tough beauty standards in the industry. She shared her personal struggles, which included body dysmorphia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the loss of her mother. Let’s see what Wilson is doing now and how her views have changed since she stepped away from the spotlight.

Many fans of fantasy-comedy films remember Mara Wilson as the charming young actress who captured hearts in movies like “Matilda” and “Mrs. Doubtfire.” She had great success on screen at an early age, but she made a surprising choice to leave Hollywood when she was still young.

Wilson faced difficulties with the strict beauty standards in the industry, which pushed her to step back from acting and live a more private life. Here’s what happened to the talented actress after she left the public eye.

Mara Wilson’s career started when she was only five years old. She was inspired by her oldest brother, Daniel Ben Wilson, who had begun acting in television commercials. Wanting to follow in his footsteps, young Wilson was eager to try acting herself.

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At first, Mara’s parents were unsure and didn’t want her to pursue acting. However, her determination convinced them, and they eventually agreed to let her try it out.

Not long after, Wilson started appearing in various commercials, including ones for Texaco and Bank of America, which marked the start of her journey in show business.

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Like her mother, Wilson faced struggles in her life, especially as a child star. She shared that even though she was popular, she often felt very lonely.

When she hit puberty, she no longer wanted to be famous and sometimes wished she could just escape from all the attention and publicity.

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The actress often faced harsh comments about her appearance, including her weight and looks, which she found upsetting. Wilson recalled that people would call her “ugly” and say she was “useless now” and that she wasn’t cute anymore. She mentioned, “They said cruel and sexualized things about my body too.”

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At 29, Mara Wilson felt sad when people seemed disappointed that she didn’t look the way they expected her to. She felt rejected, even though she was exhausted from acting and Hollywood had moved on without her. This experience led to a long struggle with body dysmorphia and an unhealthy obsession with her appearance.

She explained, “You think, ‘I’m ugly, I’m fat’ – and there were actual websites and newspapers and movie reviewers saying that about me.” This negativity affected her deeply, making it hard for her to see herself in a positive light.

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Mara Wilson later attended New York University, where she wrote about her mother’s death for the first time. While working as a barista and a nanny, she often feared being recognized and ending up in a “where-are-they-now?” article.

She thought about taking a job in Los Angeles but decided against it, worrying that people would recognize her. Wilson wanted to move past being seen as someone to pity, but she still wondered if others would feel sorry for her because of her past.

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