Тhе Тruth Аbоut Jоhn Тrаvоltа is Оut in thе Ореn

In his recent tell-all book, former high-ranking Scientology member Mike Rinder reveals sh.ocking details about the church’s efforts to cover up John Travolta’s alleged homosexuality. Rinder claims he witnessed Travolta kissing a male masseuse and engaging in intimate activities with him. The Church of Scientology reportedly launched аggrеssivе PR campaigns and legal actions to suppress these rumors, fearing they would damage Travolta’s image as a heterosexual family man and reflect poorly on the church.

Despite decades of rumors and accusations, Travolta, married to actress Kelly Preston, has maintained a public persona of heterosexuality. Former Scientology executives suggest Preston may have been aware of the rumors but chose to ignore them, influenced by the church’s teachings to dismiss negative media claims. Travolta’s allegiance to Scientology, supported by Preston’s devout beliefs and the church’s backing, may have contributed to his prolonged secrecy.

These revelations highlight Scientology’s control over its members, including prominent figures likе Travolta, and their efforts to manipulate public perception to protect their interests. Travolta’s alleged double life and the church’s concealment efforts underscore the complex dynamics within Scientology and their lengths to maintain a facade of perfection.

Straight Family Man Prefers To Wear Skirts And Heels As He Believes ‘Clothes Have No Gender’

Introducing Mark Bryan, a fashion-forward robotics engineer who is making waves and upending conventional wisdom. Bryan, who has been married for eleven years and is a loving parent, defies stereotypes by dressing in what many would consider unusual clothing. Bryan, an American living in Germany, freely wears heels and skirts, stating that gender norms shouldn’t apply to fashion.

You might wonder, why? Bryan, on the other hand, thinks that men’s fashion—particularly office wear—is very boring, consisting only of dark blues, grays, and blacks with the occasional pinstripe. Is there any passion in that? Conversely, skirts provide an array of designs, patterns, and hues – a veritable rainbow of outfit options!

Bryan embraces a fashion trend that combines parts of the traditionally masculine and feminine, teaming ties and blazers with pencil skirts and four-inch heels. It’s his method of demonstrating the genderlessness of clothing. In addition, when his girlfriend wanted a dancing partner who could match her eye level back in college, he taught her how to walk in heels. After a whole year of preparation, he has been strutting with confidence ever since!

Bryan’s unrepentant attitude disregarded social norms. He dresses in ways that bring him joy while defying conventions. What he says about it is as follows:

Clothes are genderless in my opinion. I like skirts more than dresses. I can’t mix the genders with dresses. Above the waist, I like to look “masculine,” and below the waist, I like to look non-gendered. It’s all about the genderlessness of clothing.

Bryan recalls an era when girls were not supposed to wear pants to school. Pants are now gender neutral. Why not heels and skirts then? Furthermore, males have worn heels in the past. The Persian cavalry of the tenth century, who wore galesh or kalash boots to keep their feet in stirrups, are credited with the invention of high heels. Later, wearing high heels—even by popes—became a status signal for European royalty.

The 18th century saw the emergence of a gender gap in fashion, which Bryan is now challenging, as a result of ridiculous cultural concerns that declared fashion to be a frivolous issue unworthy of “real men.”

Bryan admits that his fashion choices could cause people to double take, even though he advocates for guys to wear high heels. However, he compares the response to seeing someone with vivid green hair, which seems strange at first but eventually becomes just another feature of that individual.

“Leave a person with vivid green hair behind. Green hair is not typical. You glance up and notice someone, and your brain immediately identifies them as having green hair. You may find that strange or intriguing, but you quickly move on to your previous task without giving it any more attention. I think people react the same way when they see me wearing heels and a skirt.

Bryan finds it easy to find heels and skirts that fit. He has a lot of alternatives because he has size 8.5 feet and a size 8 skirt. He advises men who want to wear heels to start low and work their way up to a comfortable level.

What are your thoughts on Mark Bryan’s wardrobe selections? Would a man you know try wearing high heels? Talk about this with your loved ones and friends and let’s start a dialogue!

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